interdisciplinary research network on multilingualism in healthcare


Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe

Schwerpunktthemen: Forschung, Kommunikation, Psychische Gesundheit, Sprache, Teilhabe

During a three-year multidisciplinary trajectory, leading academics and non-academics (e.g. linguists, clinical and social psychologists, communication scientists, migrant and healthcare provider organisations, public service interpreters), will develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based multilingual culturally-sensitive sustainable digital information and communication platform to enhance access to mental healthcare for third-country nationals (TCNs) with low language proficiency (LLP) in the host country’s language across various European healthcare settings. The following target groups will be included: refugees, asylum seekers, other migrant patient groups suffering from mental health issues, healthcare providers, interpreters and cultural mediators, policy makers and NGOs. To achieve a comprehensive overview of resources, needs, barriers and strategies to accessing mental healthcare services and accomplish maximum outcomes relevant to other European projects, TCNs of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds will be included to adequately represent the minority populations in the participating countries. The action has three interrelated objectives following a bottom-up approach. First, it aims to bring together academics, civil society stakeholders, healthcare providers and policy makers through networking activities and an online platform. Second, it aims to map both existing language support resources for TCNs in mental healthcare and identify barriers, needs and strategies in accessing mental healthcare services on a micro, meso and macrolevel. Third, it aims to evaluate innovative multilingual communication strategies to mitigate obstacles and promote access to mental healthcare for LLP TCNs. Together, these aims will deepen our understanding of how to promote access to mental healthcare services for LLP TCNs and lead to a sustainable digital multilingual information and communication platform that will be implemented into healthcare practice.

1. Januar 2022 bis 31. Dezember 2024

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (European Commission)

Barbara Schouten, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands is an international interdisciplinary research network on Multilingualism in Healthcare with researchers and practitioners from various disciplines including Public and Global Health, Linguistics, Translation Studies, Social Sciences, Migration Research and others.

Weitere Informationen:

Barbara Schouten, b.c.schouten(at) 

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