Forray et al.

Uncovering multi-level mental healthcare barriers for migrants

A qualitative analysis across China, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, and South Africa

Schlagwort(e): Gesundheitsversorgung, Psychische Gesundheit, Vulnerabilität

Forced displacement is a significant issue globally, and it affected 112 million people in 2022. Many of these people have found refuge in low- and middle-income countries. Migrants and refugees face complex and specialized health challenges, particularly in the area of mental health. This study aims to provide an in-depth qualitative assessment of the multi-level barriers that migrants face in accessing mental health services in Germany, Macao (Special Administrative Region of China), the Netherlands, Romania, and South Africa. The ultimate objective is to inform tailored health policy and management practices for this vulnerable population.

BMC Public Health (2024) 24:1593
Die Analyse steht online zur Verfügung:

Mike Mösko: mmoesko(at) 

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