Kayvan Bozorgmehr, Simon Kühne, Louise Biddle

Local political climate and spill-over effects on refugee and migrant health: a conceptual framework and call to advance the evidence

Schlagwort(e): Diskriminierung, Geflüchtete, Gesundheitsmonitoring, Rassismus

Zusammenfassung von Inhalt und Erkenntnisse:

  • The local political climate is an important determinant of migrant and refugee health in the postmigration phase as the aggregate mood or political opinion of a population may translate into individual or collective action, and shape institutional processes and policies towards integration or exclusion.
  • Small-area variations in local political climates are important as exclusionary ideologies and violent acts can cluster and negatively impact on mental health of those directly affected, while—through so-called spill-overs—other population groups who identify with the immediate victims may be impaired as well.
  • We present a framework to further advance theory, measurement and empirical analyses of local political climates and their direct and spill-over effects, and call towards this end for enhanced collaboration between social sciences, conflict and violence studies, political science, data science, social psychologists and social epidemiology.

Bozorgmehr K, Kühne S, Biddle L. Local political climate and spill-over effects on refugee and migrant health: a conceptual framework and call to advance the evidence. BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e011472. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2022-011472

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DOI: https://gh.bmj.com/content/8/3/e011472


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